Saturday, April 12, 2008

Be optimistic!!

During a CT lesson like a few months ago, there was this story which I found very true. This guy wakes up everyday and tells himself that he can either be optimistic or pessimistic. Even if unfortunate events occur, just your tough luck. Things could be worse. If you choose to be pessimistic, what do u gain? Nothing! Instead, u lose ur confidence, morale and time. But if u choose to be optimistic, what do u gain? Nothing too! But, u don't lose ur confidence, morale and time.

So I guess whatever happens, I still will be optimistic. Things like these happen all the time. Y drown in self pity? Nothing can be changed! So using cost benefit analysis, ( or common sense), we should all be optimistic and don't be sad, because being sad causes a welfare loss as by not being sad and being happy at equilibrium, there would be a gain in welfare since MSB>MSC. Ok, I think I'm just preparing for that stupid econs test next week.

Anyway, one should always be happy and optimistic, yay! =)