Monday, June 09, 2008


After waking up at 12am for like 2 weeks, I finally made an improvement and woke up at 11am today, yay =) Actually I'm supposed to wake up at 9am, but I woke up at 8am!! Then as usual I just went to sleep, woke up at 9, went to sleep again, woke up at 10+ then roll in bed for like half an hour b4 waking up... Then I played maplestory yay =) But that's it haha. Tmr shall be the day I officially start mugging. And so that my brain don't burst, I'm oso starting to practice snare drum rudiments haha...

After talking to some seniors, and seeing seniors mugging for their SATs, I realised that I had to do the same in just 1 year time, decide what I wanna be next time haha.. I haven't got a clue, really.. So far these are what I imagined myself to be so far....

Doctor, Scientist, Musician, Teacher, Geographer, Lecturer, Banker, Accountant, Tour Guide, Policeman (haha stop laughing la...) and a traveller. Traveller = Make $$ early and retire by like 30, then visit the rest of the world... haha... Hmm, it seems that I don't mind being anything, but it's true haha I don't mind doing anything at all, I guess I don't like making decisions at all...