Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yay! Today was like my slackest day so far during the holidays... Woke up at like 2pm... My father came into my room like every hour since 11am telling me it's unhealthy to sleep so much so I just locked the room lol...

Anyway, I ate, watched powerpuff girls for a while, OMG got new episodes leh.. Then go church where I saw that idiot GP teacher... and then tadah it's 9pm...

I think I need to start organising my academic stuff liao. Haven't touched it at all, except for 1 page of that GP vocab thing. Xian...

I hope no one's like studying seriously.. If not I'll become a noob again next year.. becuz I only study when I see ppl studying.. Since it's like the hols I hope no one's doing work..

My left hand sux at 4 mallets.. Sigh... Practice more...

OMG I just realised that my father gave me $300 excess for my monthly allowance.. Becuz I was like counting and blogging halfway.. Should I ask him haha.. later he take away that $300... Nvm, I'll just assume it's for my birthday, which is quite lame leh... Give me $$

As usual, I always get 6 birthdays persent from my parents haha. Becuz I'm always too busy to think of presents, I always wait until holidays then decide. (Children's day + Birthday + Christmas ) X 2 ( 2 parents ) = 6 yay!

Last year I think I asked for a bike, watch, computer and I think handphone.. Hmm... This year what should it be?

1) Watch ( Hehe.. I lost my watch in newyork in like march.. so ya.. Btw the white watch that I use is NOT my proper watch. I used it in Maris Stella because it matches with the white uni.. Now I need another colour.)

2) Handphone? I dunno leh.. I quite xianed of my phone liao..

3) Bag? My bag tearing already.. But I dunno where to buy expensive bags.. If it's cheap then it's like wasting a present slot haha

4) MP3? I don't really listen to music but then I don't mind if my Mp3 is full of band songs.. Hmm... But I scared it affects my studies, becuz band music can seriously kill me.. Like for promos this year I could not study for 3 days becuz when I start studying, I'll keep singing this band song.. So I just practiced papers for those 3 days..

5+6) More clothes, jeans, pants, shoes...

Haiz... I dunno la...